The Partner Approach to Developing Autonomous Driving Systems - The Road to Autonomy

The Partner Approach to Developing Autonomous Driving Systems

Steven Jenkins, Vice President of Technology Strategy, Magna joined Grayson Brulte on The Road to Autonomy podcast to discuss Magna’s partner approach to developing autonomous driving systems.

The conversation begins with Steven discussing how Magna is approaching safety systems.

Magna is one of the only real few suppliers that has the entire set of enablers to make it happen and do a complete system. So we are thinking about the whole system as a package rather then individual pieces of the package, and that allows us to develop these market leading products that deliver the enhanced safety and convenience for the driver.

– Steven Jenkins

The software defined vehicle will unlock continuous updates to the vehicle, unlocking new features and functions. Eventually these software updates will be able to upgrade vehicles to enable autonomous driving functionality depending on their sensor package.

As vehicles become more advanced with higher levels of autonomy, the debate around driver monitoring creeps into the conversation and ultimately leads to the question; when is the right time to introduce driver monitoring? That question ultimately comes down to the OEM. While the OEM makes that decision, Magna is working on a series of in-cabin monitoring solutions that benefit the driver and the passengers.

This approach will benefit their OEM customers as they introduce higher levels of autonomy. Magna is approaching autonomy as as a step-wise approach.

In a kind of autonomous scenario you are really taking a kind of huge leap in terms of what you can do with a vehicle, but you are not taking as big as a leap when it comes to technology. A lot of things are pretty similar.

– Steven Jenkins

A hybrid market that comprises of both robotaxis and personally owned autonomous vehicles could emerge at some point in the future. How the economics of these models emerge will depend on the companies that make the product available and take the risk from a financing perspective. Either way, Magna will be there from a technological standpoint to help their partners and customers usher in the future of autonomy.

Wrapping up the conversation, Steven shares his opinion on the future of mobility.

Recorded on Monday, March 11, 2024

Magna International is a The Road to Autonomy Index component company

Episode Chapters

  • 0:00 The Road to Autonomy Index Introduction
  • 0:56 Magna’s Complete Safety System Approach
  • 4:25 Software Defined Vehicles
  • 6:07 Neural Network Approach to Autonomous Driving
  • 10:28 Driver Monitoring
  • 16:31 Magna’s Approach to Autonomous Driving
  • 31:09 New and Emerging Technologies
  • 37:07 Staying Ahead of the Market
  • 38:54 Future of Mobility

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